What a fucking dick.
Mel Gibson suddenly decided that it was time for the world to forget about his blatant anti-semitic rant when he was detained for drunk-driving and being a douchebag by police officers three and a half years ago.
While promoting his shiteous new movie, Edge of Darkness, Gibson farted out this sorry excuse for an explanation.
"It’s said that I went into a rant, but I think it went on for about five words. I was drunk. It just turned into a big thing. I apologized profusely - not once but three times. So what’s the problem? It’s four years ago. Do I need to apologize again?”
What makes these morons think that they can do and say whatever they want and then just expect everyone to pat them on the head and tell them it's okay?
You effed up, now live with the consequences, sugar tits!
[Image via WENN.]
Paris Hilton
Patricia Vel�squez
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