Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear Florida, THIS SUCKS!

Dear Florida, THIS SUCKS!

This is so unbelievably effed up, it makes us ill.

Florida's Rep. Stephen Precourt is attempting to pass a bill that would prevent films or tv productions with homosexual content from receiving the tax breaks that others shooting in the sunshine state normally are provided with!

According to the source:

"… a new bill that increases tax incentives to lure television and movie production to Florida would deny those tax breaks to films that feature gay characters. And unlike the ultraconservative Republican politician in The Birdcage, it doesn't seem the bill's sponsor, Rep. Stephen Precourt, will have a change of heart anytime soon.

Current laws prevent tax breaks for films that feature smoking, sex, nudity, or profane language. The proposed changes make Florida guidelines seem even more like the Hays Code that censored Hollywood from the the '30s to the '60s. Thankfully, Precourt hasn't borrowed more ideas from that censorship office and written in language that would also disallow interracial relationships, suggestive dancing, and 'lustful kisses.'"

Precourt says he's not targeting the gay community but that shows with gay characters would not be something he'd want 'to invest public dollars in.'"

How is that NOT targeting the gay community?? That's like saying they won't invest in productions featuring red-heads - but don't worry, they're not being singled out!!

Luckily, the bill has to go through various other committees if it were to be approved, and we'd like to think that someone with an ounce of sense will nix it before it gathers too much support.

So unbelievably disgusting.

Just a friendly reminder: IT'S 2010, PEOPLE!!

Talisa Soto
Tamie Sheffield
Tara Reed
Tatiana Zavialova

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