After campaigning vigorously for Obama, the 'Green Zone' star voices dissatisfaction with president's accomplishments thus far.
By Larry Carroll
Matt Damon
Photo: Jason Kempin/ Getty Images
After being one of the most prominent celebrities campaigning for change in 2008, Matt Damon is changing his tune these days, admitting that he is "disappointed" with President Barack Obama's progress thus far, couching his comments by noting the inflated expectations that greeted Obama.
While speaking with the press to promote his soon-to-be-released political thriller "Green Zone," Damon reportedly told New York's Daily News that he isn't thrilled with how Obama's first term has gone so far.
"Everyone feels a little let down," Damon said. "Because on some level, people expected all their problems to go away."
Damon is voicing his dismay about President Obama while promoting a movie about the failings of the previous administration. In "Green Zone," Damon plays Roy Miller, a soldier who fights to expose the Bush regime's lack of factual clarity regarding weapons of mass destruction. The film will no doubt bring Democrats out to the theater — but in his own personal beliefs, the always-upfront Damon refuses to toe the company line.
"I'm disappointed in the health care plan," Damon said in regards to Obama efforts that he feels are falling short. "And in the troop build-up in Afghanistan."
Less than two years ago, it was Damon who campaigned alongside Obama for "Hope" and "Change," saying he would do "whatever it takes to help Obama win." Nowadays, with a vocal segment of the population critically judging Obama's first year in office, Damon is saying that people can't sit around expecting the president to change the world.
"Real change comes from everyday people," he insisted. "You can't wait for a leader."
A high-profile Democrat whose statements about Sarah Palin appearing on the scene "like a bad Disney movie" captured the spotlight when the former vice-presidential candidate became a national figure, Damon went on to explain that his "Green Zone" character falls much more in line with Palin's politics than his own. "Monty was a Republican — he voted for Bush," Damon explained. "He went to Iraq with the absolute conviction he was going to find the WMDs."
Damon added that he plans to stand by the president, but hopes that he gets more accomplished in his second year in office than he did in his first. "Politics is compromise," the actor admitted. "I'm disappointed [in the compromises Obama has made]."
Check out everything we've got on "Green Zone."
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