Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eco-Friendly Gift Wrapping Tips For Christmas! | Onyx Distribution & Services LLC

Looking for ways to make Christmas even more eco-friendly? Here are some great and easy tips .....

From: http://www.onyxdistribution.com/117/

Baby Boutique Coupons - Green Earth Bamboo

Baby Boutique Coupons - Green Earth Bamboo......

From: http://poshlittle.com/baby/coupons.html?investor2Task=investor2Details&catid=0&investor2Id=181

K�rd�sek z�ldf�l? textilpelenk�z�kt�l 4.0 - Oldal 350 - Mamami F�rum

The FTC goes even further out on a limb by stating bamboo is not biodegradable when in fact it is, as many other things are that the FTC disqualifies because they cannot decompose in a landfill which is where nearly all of U.S. trash is disposed. Again, a bit of an oxymoron no? By this very definition the FTC would not qualify fruits and vegetables as biodegradable either.

From: http://mamami.hu/forum/showthread.php?t=13394&page=350