Friday, May 27, 2011

Are barbecue grills destroying the planet? - The Week

But electric grills are no solution, as most of that power comes from burning fossil fuels. Besides, not all charcoal is alike. If more people bought natural wood charcoal made from sustainably harvested trees.....


Thursday, May 26, 2011

kite : KMLE ?? ?? ?? - ????, ????, ????, ????, ??/??? ??

한글: 솔개;연;사기꾼;융통 어음;제일 높은 돛(미풍일 때 침);fly a ~ 연을 날리다;여론을 살피다;솔개처럼 날다;빠르게 움직이다;융통어음......


How To Make A Bamboo Tomato Cage & Bamboo Pepper Support For Your Garden

How to make a bamboo tomato cage - much prettier than a metal cage! .....


Cenap News

Realsatire: Fast gleichzeitig erschien eine Gebrauchsanleitung im Netz, wie man eigene MHBs bastelt - "How To Make A Flying Paper Lantern With Bamboo.....


Mid Atlantic Musings cubit: Healthy Happy & Hip Living in the Mid Atlantic forum: Nutrition~You are what you eat # 3 May 2011

Now here's a new healthy eating kick that I've not heard before.

Maybe the Panda's know something we don't......


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stuck Indoors? Try These Fun, Frugal And Eco-Friendly Home Redecorating Ideas! | NWV Habitat's Blog

In a fit of inspired cabin-fever madness, I decided that my house needed a spruce up last week. Maybe I’ve been .......


Bamboo vs. Cotton ? What is the deal? : The Tactics Grind ? A Blog

you have taken the time to read the above articles, you can see there is a lot to get your head around. And, unfortunately, there are no perfect answers. The only thing that is certain is that almost anything you purchase has environmental consequences. Under the current state of technology, plant fibers such as bamboo require chemical processing to process into fibers and that processing can be environmentally damaging. Additionally, in terms of the environmental footprint of every product, you must also consider how far the plants and then fibers have to be transported to be made into fabric and how far that fabric has to go to be made into clothes. Not all organic cotton stays organic through the manufacturing ....


Mid Atlantic Musings cubit: Healthy Happy & Hip Living in the Mid Atlantic forum: Nutrition~You are what you eat # 3 May 2011

Now here's a new healthy eating kick that I've not heard before.

Maybe the Panda's know something we don't....
