Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Best Kept Secret of Bamboo

Bamboo is truly a magnificent grassy plant that stems from hundreds of years of self-sustainable growth. Its true beauty lies in the calming brilliance it offers to each and every one of us. From its healing powers to its eco-friendly qualities and its bountiful fields of greatness –

From: http://blog.greenearthbamboo.com/20090905/all-about-bamboo/the-best-kept-secret-of-bamboo/

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Discredits Itself

It is important that consumer, whether purchasing bamboo sheets or male fertility supplements, understand and recognize that the FTC is a government agency whose power extends with great reach, constrained by no leash whatsoever.....

From: http://blog.greenearthbamboo.com/20090904/ftc-bamboo-fabric/federal-trade-commission-ftc-discredits-itself/

Bamboo is Destroying Our Planet

For “green” conscious consumers in the United States, there is the legitimate concern of carbon footprint in getting the various bamboo products here, whether it’s bamboo clothing or bamboo sheets. Consider this–according to the Economic Policy Institute, China represents 83% of the entire U.S. trade deficit in non-oil goods. This is not to excuse the carbon footprint that comes with bamboo goods, rather it is just an unfortunate fact of the current economic state of affairs in the U.S.....

From: http://blog.greenearthbamboo.com/20090830/bamboo-the-environment/bamboo-is-destroying-our-planet/

FTC Claims Fruits and Vegetables Are Not Biodegradable

The operative phrase being “customary disposal”. The FTC states that *viscose/rayon from bamboo* does not meet the criteria for a biodegradable product whether it’s bamboo clothing or bamboo sheets. The FTC goes on to use such inflammatory terms as “false” and “deceptively” when describing the companies labeling and/or product descriptions.....

From: http://blog.greenearthbamboo.com/20090824/ftc-bamboo-fabric/ftc-claims-fruits-and-vegetables-are-not-biodegradable/

FTC Bamboozles Public About Bamboo Fabric

FTC Bamboozles Public About Bamboo Fabric...........

From: http://blog.greenearthbamboo.com/20090821/bamboo-the-environment/ftc-bamboozles-public-about-bamboo-fabric/