Monday, December 28, 2009

In Search Of The First Ever Amazing Women Of The Year

Are you a woman who holds the secrets to success in maintaining a
healthy home and work life balance? If so, you could be one of the first
ever Swiffer Amazing Women of the Year!

Are you a woman who holds the secrets to success in maintaining a
healthy home and work life balance? If so, you could be one of the first
ever Swiffer Amazing Women of the Year!

Swiffer, the revolutionary cleaning system, has partnered with
supermodel Cindy Crawford in a nationwide search to find everyday women
who are making amazing contributions to their communities. From the
multi-tasking mom who finds time to run the PTA and her own online
business, to the neighbor who organizes a charity walk-a-thon each year,
the Swiffer Amazing Women of the Year campaign wants to publicly
recognize women who are finding the time to balance their busy lives
while positively influencing others around them.

As the first Amazing Woman of the Year, Cindy Crawford was chosen to
launch this program because of her dedication to the Silver Lining
Foundation, a charity dedicated to providing lifetime opportunities for
children with cancer, and her ability to successfully balance her young
family, thriving career and vibrant personal life.

"Honoring women who are making a difference in their communities is
something I am thrilled to be a part of," said Cindy Crawford. "As a
wife and mother, I know it takes a lot of dedication to balance a
healthy work and home life. I am honored to help pay tribute to women
who have transformed the world they live in while still juggling their
work and personal life."

The five Amazing Women of the Year will be announced in May 2006. Each
winner will be awarded a $5,000 donation to the charity of her choice.

In celebration, the original Swiffer Sweeper has been redesigned to make
it even easier to keep your floors clean every day. It now features a
new look with transparent handle and larger head to enhance its overall
performance. With its lightweight, maneuverable pole, the sweeper is
quicker and easier than traditional cleaning methods.

Used in more than 40 million households worldwide, Swiffer continues to
revolutionize the way people clean their homes. The new redesigned
sweeper starter kit contains one sweeper, two dry sweeping cloths and
two wet mopping cloths.

Incarcerated Fathers And Their Children Find New LIFE

A group of inmates are learning how to breathe new life into their
relationships with their children through a unique program at a maximum
security prison.

A group of inmates are learning how to breathe new life into their
relationships with their children through a unique program at a maximum
security prison.

Through the 4-H LIFE-Living Interactive Family Education program at the
Potosi Correctional Center in Mineral Point, Mo., youth build
relationships with their incarcerated fathers through 4-H club work.
Developed jointly between the fathers and local 4-H staff, the program
focuses on improving parenting skills and bettering the children's
social and academic adjustment and overall well-being.

One and a half million American children have parents serving sentences
in state and federal prison, according to U.S. Department of Justice
statistics. These children can react negatively to the separation and
develop aggressive behaviors or suffer from eating or sleeping disorders.

"Offenders join the program because they see their kids are repeating
their own destructive behaviors that led to their committing crimes and
they want to help break that pattern before it's too late," said
Washington County 4-H Youth Extension Associate Robert Wilkerson.

In the 4-H LIFE program, children and their fathers can move freely and
interact naturally in an open, unstructured setting-a sharp contrast to
the restricted visitation usually granted at the maximum-security prison.

"When you meet them for a [regular] visit, you're [only] allowed a hug.
In 4-H, your kid can sit there with you and lean on you," said one
father. "You have a bigger bonding process between father and son."

The youth and their fathers work together on 4-H club activities that
encourage goal-setting, teamwork and accomplishment. One youth said
being able to work on 4-H activities with his father "created an
environment for me to be with my family like a normal family."

Fathers work on their parenting skills in formal meetings and often look
to each other for help working out family problems or other advice. They
organize food sales and recycling programs to fund activities and adopt
needy families in the community.

Families that participate in 4-H LIFE report stronger relationships,
better communication, greater family unity, life skills development and
improved home and school behavior for the youth.

"It's astounding and gratifying to see the changes the kids have made,"
said St. Francois County 4-H Youth Development Specialist Lynna Lawson.

4-H is a community of young people across America learning leadership,
citizenship and life skills.

Inexpensive Gifts

The value of a gift lies in what it means and what it conveys to the
receiver, and not in how many dollars were spent in getting it.

Is an expensive gift more valuable than an inexpensive one?
When you are considering a gift, what do you settle for—an expensive
gift or something special that conveys a message? Does the price of the
gift really matter? The thing to remember is that gifts are meant to
convey a message that you care. They need not be expensive, but they
need to be special. There's nothing wrong with an expensive gift, but
what is much more important is a demonstration of affection and care. As
Shakespeare says in Hamlet, "Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove
unkind." An expensive gift can become "poor" and an inexpensive gift can
become "rich" depending on the way you give it. So, it is the message
that you convey rather than the value of the gift that matters more.

What happens to expensive gifts
Let's look first at what happens when you present an expensive gift. In
these days of affluence and consumerism, most people have almost all the
things they need. Unless you are thinking of something like jewelry,
there's a good chance that the item you gift is already available to the
person to whom you are giving it. In that case your item, if given, may
not be used at all.

When you gift an expensive item, the focus is more on the item than on
the act. In addition, if the expensive item that you give is not to the
taste of the person receiving it, both of you are going to be
disappointed. So whichever way you look at it, it's not the price of the
gift, but its utility to the person and the spirit in which it is given
that are more important. That seems to clearly show that the value of
the gift itself is secondary. A bunch of flowers, a kiss on the cheek or
even a good word may bring more happiness to the person than an
expensive gift.

A thoughtful gift can be richer than an expensive one
A gift that helps someone really needy and aids a charitable cause may
often come with exotic handmade items that are made in far off places.
That might be a comparatively inexpensive gift, but it does a lot of
things, especially if the gift is intended for children. It shows the
value of caring for others. And it adds a certain novelty to the exercise.

A place for expensive gifts
We must remember that there are occasions when an expensive gift is
appropriate. There are certain special occasions when the gift of
something that is really needed, though perhaps expensive, can make a
big change in the life of the person receiving it. And such a gift can
sometimes show care and concern. If you look closely, you will notice
that even in these cases, the expensiveness of the item is incidental.
What really matters is that you have recognized a need and are trying to
fulfill it.

Can you "say it" with inexpensive gifts?
The next question that arises is whether you can "say it" with
inexpensive gifts. The answer to that question in most cases is an
emphatic "yes". Not only can you say what you want to say through an
inexpensive gift, you can also fail to say it through an expensive gift.
Think of that for a moment. Look at the quote from Shakespeare at the
end of the first paragraph. You will see that an inexpensive gift can
convey the message as well as an expensive one can. It's the spirit in
which you give, and not what you give that really matters.

Considerations while selecting a gift
Here are a few things to consider when you select a gift.
Does the person really need this gift?
Will he or she value and cherish it?
Does it bring forth fond memories, a feeling of bonding or togetherness?
Does it say, "I love you, and I care"?

The answers to these questions are far more important than how expensive
the gift is. If it weren't so, neither the giver nor the receiver
deserves the gift.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Influence of Television on a Person

What makes us glue to the TV screen and go to bed with a TV on? It's
quite time to break the habit and start reading something useful, for
example, the article about harm and advantages of watching TV.

In the twenty first century technology is developing very fast. Advanced
technological wonders still surprise us and make us wanting more and
more comfort that they create. One of them is television that became
popular all over the world now and there is no country, region or
village where people don't know what a TV is. It is also considered that
Television has both advantages and disadvantages and for one it is very
difficult to decide what to watch and if to watch at all. Certainly,
television is the main source of information. Daily people listen and
watch a short news sequence that provides us with the necessary
information and keeps informed during the day. Also, no doubt,
television is the way to entertain oneself, for it offers a variety of
possibilities to have fun sitting on your couch and relaxing. Another
way to capture people's minds on a live TV screen is advertisement.
Commercials have become inseparable part of broadcasting and live
coverage. Even favorite movies are interrupted by short ad. Though
commercials are what holds television together and there's nobody who
can prove this wrong. Besides there have to be some ways to show what
lies on the shelves at supermarkets. When it comes to disadvantages one
may prepare for a long story, but after all, despite these trifles we
continue to do it, no matter what we are said.

It is harmful to stay in front of the TV for a long time. It spoils our
eyes and health, doctors say. But the same thing happens when we read
articles or interesting narrative essays for a long time. Same story
with the computer, nothing harms our sight this much. As for the
information that we constantly see on TV, it is a miracle how one can
watch it without getting crazy. Indeed, if to watch three or more
reality shows in a row it makes you at first confused than frustrated
and then constantly unsatisfied and angry. It is also same story with
movies. It is almost impossible to find a movie without blood spilling
around and angry man fighting for God knows what. Of course a nice
narrative essay can be put aside when something similar comes up. Now
movies are rated, but who pays attention to that little geometric figure
in the corner of your screen? As soon as movie is good, nobody cares to
think about its influence on their children.

Television makes people physically inactive. It is impossible to stand
up and go for a walk when your favorite soap opera is coming up. You
leave everything undone and rush to see what happens next and stay glued
to the screen till it's over. Then another are another comes and you
slowly but surely turn into a couch potato with health problems as in
mental, as in physical field. What makes us glue ourselves to the TV
screen and go to bed with a TV on? It's quite time to break the habit
and start reading something useful, for example, the article about harm
and advantages of watching TV.

Ingratitude Is Hateful

We as human beings have many qualities, both good and bad. Some of our
bad traits are not very harmful, but some are never forgiven.

We as human beings have many qualities, both good and bad. Some of our
bad traits are not very harmful, but some are never forgiven. According
to Hindu philosophy, God does not forgive ingratitude under any

What is gratitude? Simply saying 'thank you' is at times enough to
express our gratitude, whereas at times, we are helped so much by
someone that mere words of thanks can never repay the help. This kind of
help and sharing has to be remembered by us at all the times and we
should make every effort to repay that. Even if we are not able to repay
the gratitude in full, our very feeling of being obliged keeps our heart
pure and makes our helper feel good.

We cannot measure the value of some acts of help. There is no method to
measure. Certain acts may save our life. Certain acts may support us
during our worst time. How do we measure them? No amount of money or any
work in return can do that. But we
can at least be ready and apply all our might to return the help in all
possible ways.

A mother brings up her children with great effort. Often keeping herself
hungry to feed her child. How do we repay our mother? We can at least
try and see that our mother never feels helpless and alone in her old
age. She is never short of money and she feels totally satisfied that
her children take every care to keep her comfortable.

Similarly, we are many a times, helped in our life by our spouse. We not
only feel fully supported but the sacrifice and help also overwhelms us.
What if we walk out after all this? What if we leave our spouse alone to
fight his/her battle after saving our own life? What if we not only
forget what all was done to help us, but also see selfish reasons for
that help? This is hateful and never forgiven by God. One should never
commit any sin, and one should never even dream of committing the sin of
ingratitude. Even hell would not accept us.

Innovative Program Empowers Women Cancer Survivors to Rediscover Their Inner and Outer Beauty

Tapping sources of inspiration and support, maintaining the activities
of their daily life, and taking pride in their appearance can all help
provide cancer survivors with a essential sense of normalcy and self-worth.

Beverly Kirkhart thought her life was over when her doctor delivered the
news: "You have breast cancer." The diagnosis came after a painful
divorce and the loss of her business, leaving her feeling as though she
had hit rock-bottom. Between her personal setbacks and the debilitating
effects of the disease and treatment, Kirkhart's self-esteem was shattered.

"One day, I looked in the mirror and thought, 'Who would love this?'"
said Kirkhart. "I felt like a victim, unattractive and unloved,
insignificant to myself and others."

Many cancer survivors feel they will never be the same. They cope daily
with emotions like fear and anger, as well as body changes such as loss
of a breast, change in skin color due to radiation, treatment-related
hair loss and weight change. Tapping sources of inspiration and support,
maintaining the activities of their daily life, and taking pride in
their appearance can all help provide cancer survivors with an essential
sense of normalcy and self-worth.

Kirkhart found renewed hope and self-confidence through journaling her
experiences and feelings, which also helped her identify other
strategies for sustaining a positive outlook and recognizing her inner
beauty. Kirkhart is now sharing her inspirational message and practical
advice with women across the country as co-creator of a new program
designed to help breast cancer survivors reclaim their physical
confidence and emotional well-being.

Along her journey, Kirkhart connected with Lisa Cole, a nationally
recognized lingerie fitter and mastectomy form expert who presents
lingerie fashion seminars throughout the United States; together, they
created Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, How Do I Feel Underneath it
All?™. The program is the first of its kind to include fashion
advice combined with wellness and self-empowerment strategies to help
cancer survivors rediscover their beauty from the inside out.

"Our program aims to help women rebuild their self-confidence, whether
it's by choosing the right lingerie, keeping a journal of their
experiences or working with their health care team to lessen the burden
of treatment," said Cole.

Another critical element of the Mirror, Mirror program is the wellness
discussion given by oncology nurse practitioner Jody Pelusi, PhD, FNP,
AOCN, Arizona Oncology Associates, Sedona, Arizona, who provides
strategies to help maintain not only physical but overall well-being
while undergoing cancer treatment.

"My patients are often devastated by how they look and feel as a result
of their cancer and its treatment, and I often counsel them on how to
maintain a positive outlook and body image," said Pelusi. "For some of
my patients, different treatment approaches, like oral chemotherapy, can
have a positive impact by offering greater convenience and fewer severe
side effects than intravenous therapy."

Internet: useful or harmful?

Internet plays a very important role in people's lives. But before
logging, one has to consider a lot of things. It can be useful and at
the same time harmful. To use or not to use, that is the question.
Decide for yourself.

Nowadays young generation doesn't read books, journals, magazines and
newspapers. And really why should they if they have excellent
possibilities to find everything necessary on-line. Except information
you can find a lot of other different things that can widen your
outlook. You can visit Louver gallery with famous Mona Lisa, sitting
comfortably in your armchair in front of computer screen.

You can also order different services. If you log on to Internet you can
purchase anything you can imagine. Just clicking a right button, you can
order term paper or pizza, or tickets to a rock concert. Your term paper
order will be done easily; pizza will be tasty and day - just wonderful
due to Internet services. Internet without doubt is a blessing for those
who have no time and opportunities to go shopping. Besides commercial
part of Internet one can also find a wide range of ways of
communication. You can chat; use ICQ, instant messengers or an e-mail.
With the help of new invention, like a web-camera, you can even see whom
you are talking to. Thus you can see that people can practically live
on-line, because it is possible to work on-line, study on-line, have fun
on-line and even date on-line. But is virtual world a good place to
spend your time? People can spend up to 18 hours sitting at the
computer. No matter how well is screen protection installed, it is still
very harmful not only for your eyes, but also for your organism. Can you
imagine your body being x-rayed 18 hours in a row? But this is exactly
what happens when you spend days in front of your computer. We can't but
mention considerate parents' worries about what their kids read and see
on-line. Except useful information there, children can find different
sites that carry not very useful information. That's why there are some
servers that filter out information your computer receives. We can't but
mention the consequences of sitting in front of the computer all the
time. It turns people into typical couch potatoes. They don't care to
stand up and go for a walk or to have some physical exercises. This can
result into numerous ailments and problems.

Internet is an isolator too. No matter how much you communicate on-line,
it doesn't give you a credit in speaking with live people. You don't see
facial expressions, gestures, don't hear their voices. That can tell
much about your friend. On-line you have no choice but to believe in
anything that is said to you. Then don't be mad if somebody deceives
you. You didn't know the person well; all you knew was his/her e-mail or
ICQ number. Using services provided in the Internet one has to be very
careful, not to get in trouble. But what can we do without it nowadays?
Due to internet a lot of other businesses started to prosper. We are
talking about age of information. How can it exist without Internet? Of
course, there are some advantages and disadvantages, but we can't refuse
ourselves in pleasure to get into the world of virtual wonders.

Interview With Michael D. Sellers, Who Produced

An interview with Michael D. Sellers, who produced (with the help of
intrepid moviebank studios investors) the controversial film "Karla" for
MovieBank Studios. The film depicts the crimes of the notorious Canadian
husband and wife murder team of Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo. Its
release in Canada was met with howls of protest from Canadian
politicians and media outlets.

Interview With Michael D. Sellers, Who Produced "Karla" for MovieBank
The following is an interview with Michael D. Sellers, who produced
(with the help of intrepid moviebank studios investors) the
controversial film "Karla" for MovieBank Studios. The film depicts the
crimes of the notorious Canadian husband and wife murder team of Karla
Homolka and Paul Bernardo. Its release in Canada was met with howls of
protest from Canadian politicians and media outlets.

Q: This is undoubtedly one of the most controversial, violent stories in
modern Canadian history, and it is essentially still unfolding. Karla
Homolka, who was just released from prison a few months ago, was still
in prison when you began making this film. Did you ever feel
you were making the film "too soon"?

A: Well, when the idea of doing a project on Karla Homolka and Paul
Bernardo was first brought to me by director Joel Bender, it was January
2004 and "Monster" was in the theaters. The murders in that movie took
place at about the same time that these do so initially, no, we thought
plenty of time had passed. Indeed, now, as the film is being released --
the murders themselves are 15 years in the past. But there
are unique aspects to this case which have kept it alive in unusual ways
-- Karla's plea bargain and resulting short prison stay, her release
this past summer, the court overturning the post-release restrictions.
All of these things have kept the story alive and made it seem like the
crimes were committed yesterday. But it's been fifteen years, and we
think that is a reasonable, and respectful amount of time.

Q: You did research a great deal about the legal ramifications of
telling this story, and were in close communication with representatives
of the victims' families. Could you discuss that process a bit and what
the outcome was of your discussions?

A: From the beginning, Tim Danson--the attorney who represents the
victims' families--said that the families respected our right to make
the movie and would only oppose it if the film contained depictions of
their daughters which could reasonably be construed as either
disrespectful or pornographic. Tim defined pornographic as nudity or
simulated sex on screen by the actresses portraying the victims. We
never intended to include either of those elements in the film, so there
was really no problem. When we finished the edit, I took a copy to
Toronto and showed it to Tim, and they concurred that it was not
pornographic and they would not oppose the release of the film. Misha
Collins and Laura Prepon in "Karla"

Q: There were reports that you removed some scenes at the families' request.

A: We removed 8 frames -- 1/3 of one second -- of a long shot across a
room because Tim felt that if you played it frame by frame on a DVD you
might detect a flash of nudity which was not detectable when played at
normal speed. We agreed to do this. That was the only change. You have
to remember -- there had been an ongoing and productive dialogue up to
the point where we showed the movie, and that dialogue did affect the
edit in certain ways--not in the form of demands from the family, but
just from dialogue and discussion. So there were some changes, but not
as a result of the screening.

Q: What kind of changes?

A: Well, Tim was able to provide additional background on some of the
sensitivities of the families, things that really were important to them,
and we took that into consideration. One example would be the issue of
Leslie Mahaffey being locked out of her house, and that playing a role
in her getting accosted by Bernardo. We downplayed that aspect because
it's a sore point for the family and not critical in any way to our story.

Q: What was the point-of-view from which you wanted to present the film?

A: Point of view in this film is interesting, and challenging. On the
one hand, it's Karla's story. We meet her at the beginning as she is
about to undergo an extended psychiatric evaluation in the fall of 2000,
eight years into her 12-year prison term. We see all of the
events in the past--everything from the early scenes with Paul through
the crimes and eventually a little bit of the trial--from her point of
view. But that point of view is repeatedly challenged by the
psychiatrist who is interviewing her. He doesn't "buy into" her story,
but rather tries to peel away the layers of the onion, exposing Karla's
attempts at "spin", forcing Karla to acknowledge things that she doesn't
want to acknowledge.

Q: Did your approach to the story evolve over time?

A: Yes and no. I always felt that it was Karla's story, not Paul's. But
I think, as we got deeper into it, we began to understand the
ramifications of this on more levels, and that led to some changes.

Q: Such as.?

A: Such as the decision to use the interviews with the psychiatrist as a
wraparound. We basically felt that yes, it needs to be Karla's story,
but you need a counterpoint--you can't let her just tell it her way
without any counter-argument being presented.
It felt like it would be irresponsible and misleading to not create a
"dissenting voice" to her story.

Q: What problems -- logistical, legal, ethical -- did you encounter in
commencing production?

A: Logistically, we were shooting Los Angeles for Canada, which is a
switch since usually it's the other way around. We did find houses which
closely matched the actual houses in St. Catherines, but we had to be
careful--too much panning around with the camera and palm trees
would be visible. And red tile roofs, things like that. We thought
originally that we would go up and shoot some second unit in Canada--but
after the filming was complete and we had been editing for awhile, it
began to seem less important because the story is so much about this
kind of hermetically sealed world in which these two people live. It
almost felt like attempt to bring in "local color" from Canada would
just confuse matters, rather than add value.

Legally, there were a number of issues. The most significant one, and
the one that affects the story the most, is that we could not depict
anyone in the Homolka family other than Karla, a convicted felon, and
Tammy, who is deceased. That posed problems but we worked through it,
without, I think, compromising the story.

Ethically, it was a matter of constantly remembering, and reminding
everyone on the show, that this is not a thriller, this really happened.
We felt that this imposed a very strict burden on us to be accurate. No
flights of fancy--just try to tell the truth as we understood it.
And that involves a lot more than the simple facts of the story. The
simple facts--this happened, and then this happened, and then this
happened--are meaningless unless we are able to supply insight into the
"why" of these things. Why did Karla let Paul talk her into the
rape of Tammy? Why did she stay with him? Why, when he brought Leslie
Mahaffey home, did she join him? Why did she go out on the street and
help him abduct Kristin French? Why did she finally turn on him? The
film tries, to the very best of our ability, to deliver meaningful
insight into these questions. We felt that, ethically, the film would
only have value if it did this--that we only had a right to make it if
we were doing our best to shed light on these questions.

Q: Among the aspects that seem to have transfixed the media and the
public with this case are how ordinary, attractive and wholesome Karla
Homolka and Paul Bernardo seemed. How did you approach casting these
"couple-next-door" killers?

A: In a way, it would have been much easier to cast a "killer couple"
who were in some way overtly creepy. Finding people to play that kind of
role is relatively easy. But we had to find actors who could be
convincing--as Paul and Karla were--as "regular, normal" people, and who
could also be convincing as the killers that they ultimately became. I
had known Misha Collins from his previous work and asked him to read
for the part -- which he did, along with hundreds of others. In the end,
he was the hands-down choice purely based on the merit of his audition.
Laura Prepon was another story. I don't think any of us would have
thought of red-headed Donna from "That 70's Show" as the choice for
Karla -- but her manager saw the script and sent it to her, and she
liked it and came in to read for it. As soon as she came in and we
talked, then
read a little bit, I knew we had our Karla. She had a tremendous grasp
of the character and an ability to bring out all sides of Karla.

Q: Some members of the Canadian government have called for a ban or
boycott of the film. Your response?

A: The Canadian government, particularly the Ontario government, are
viewed by many as having dropped the ball in the matter of achieving
justice in this situation, and they clearly have a deeply felt (and
politically understandable) need to show continued concern and
vigilance. I'm not a Canadian so I don't really want to comment on what
crosses the line between legitimate vigilance and intrusive "big
brother"-ness. That's for Canadians to sort out. But I do understand
where they are coming from. My only real complaint is that they made
these calls without
having seen the film -- or without even having read any legitimate
reviews of the film. I would note that all of these calls that you're
referring to happened before any of the reviews came out. Since the
first reviews did appear in August -- there have been no more such calls
from government figures, and the families have also publicly stated that
while they do not endorse any movie about the crimes, they will not
oppose the release of this one.

Q: You've said -- to paraphrase -- that this film is not a referendum on
Karla's guilt or innocence, but rather an exploration of her character.
Could you please elaborate?

A: I think there may be a tendency in Canada for people, when
considering Karla, to be overwhelmed by the notion of what she
became--Paul's killer accomplice--and to forget that this is, indeed,
what she became--not what she was when they met. When they met, he was
already the Scarborough rapist but she didn't know that, and she was a
high school senior with no history of illegal activities whatsoever. So
how did this girl, a high school senior from a responsible, working
family, fall in with Paul, and how and why did she make one decision
after another that took her down a very dark road. We really felt that
exploring that journey, rather than overtly judging Karla, was what the
story was about. Everyone, even killers, have a point of view. They
don't' start out as killers--they become killers. It is this "becoming"
part of it that fascinated me. It seemed to me at the time we were
studying and writing the story, that Karla started from what was for her
a "normal" place, then made once decision after another, each one of
which created a "new normal", and which made it easier for the next bad
decision to happen. If you look at it in totality it's incomprehensible
--but if you break it down into each step, each decision -- then we, the
film-makers, have a chance to deliver meaningful insight about it.
That's our job -- to deliver meaningful insight. Audiences will judge
KARLA, the film, but I really believe they will do so, after watching
it, from a position of much greater understanding of the
factors involved as a result of having seen the movie.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Iraqi Coins Aid And Honor U.S. Troops

Many Americans are searching for a meaningful way to honor the men and
women who defend the nation's freedoms. Fortunately, a Charlotte,
NC-based company, has created a unique way to do just that.

Many Americans are searching for a meaningful way to honor the men and
women who defend the nation's freedoms.

Fortunately, a Charlotte, NC- based company, Products for Good has
created a unique way to do just that.

It has taken Iraqi coins, called "fils" which were decommissioned by
Saddam Hussein, because they did not have his picture on them, and
placed them in patriotic shadowboxes surrounded by symbols of American

This special tribute was created for two reasons: 1) to honor all of the
nation's men and women in uniform who made these symbols of freedom
possible; and 2) to raise moneys for the families of wounded and fallen
heroes in the current global war on terror. So far, Products for Good
has raised over $86,000 for these causes and hopes eventually to raise
more than $20 million.

"The funds from the sales of the shadowboxes are nothing short of a
lifeline for some of the receiving families," said Lee Greenwood
Singer/Songwriter of God Bless the USA. "Whether the funds go towards
medical bills, upgrades to a home to make it wheelchair accessible or
for grieving families coping with loss, these patriotic collectors'
items help our nation's heroes and their families to have a better life."

The coins, relics of a tyrannical regime, are set against an inspiring
backdrop, including photographs of the American flag and American
soldiers, along with a written definition of freedom.

Founders of the group wanted a patriotic means to say thank you to
America's heroes. They say they have already received hundreds of
letters from appreciative veterans, dozens of whom were moved to tears.

This is not the first time the fils have been used to benefit the
victims of Saddam's brutality. When British troops initially captured
the coins in the spring of 2003, they decided to consign them to raise
money for the Basra Orphanage.

They were then shipped to a metals dealer in England. There they came to
the attention of the co-founders of Products for Good, who envisioned
how they would benefit American troops and their families.

Is It Painful Getting Your Body Pierced?

As the old saying goes, "no pain, no gain." The same is true when it
comes to body piercing, as many parts of the body are a little more than
uncomfortable when the needle penetrates the skin. As distasteful as it
may be, a piercing is nothing more than a puncture wound with a piece of
jewelry inserted into the hole. Many individuals would seriously
consider body piercing, but the potential for pain is too much for the
weak of heart. In most instances, the pain associated wit...

As the old saying goes, "no pain, no gain." The same is true when it
comes to body piercing, as many parts of the body are a little more than
uncomfortable when the needle penetrates the skin. As distasteful as it
may be, a piercing is nothing more than a puncture wound with a piece of
jewelry inserted into the hole. Many individuals would seriously
consider body piercing, but the potential for pain is too much for the
weak of heart. In most instances, the pain associated with the actual
piercing is not nearly as extreme as believed.

The best way to determine the amount of pain associated with a specific
type of body piercing is to ask someone who has experienced the pain
firsthand. This is also an excellent way to determine if you really want
to have that specific part of your body pierced, since a pierced
individual will be able to inform you of any complications, infection,
or problems he or she has experienced with the body piercing.

Another way to determine the amount of pain associated with a body
piercing is to speak with a piercer. These individuals who pierce a
variety of body parts for a living are usually able to walk you through
the entire process from cleaning the needle to the healing process.

Generally, tongue piercings are generally thought to be the most
painful, but in actuality, many believe the belly button to be the most
painful area to be pierced. The tongue has a tremendous healing
capacity, allowing it to quickly bounce back from any sort of trauma.
Generally, tongue piercing is most associated with swelling, but little
bleeding or pain. Belly buttons tend to have the greatest problems
associated with piercing since the belly button takes an extremely long
time to heal. Often, the belly button can take up to one year to heal
completely, and is often prolonged due to the position on the body.
Jewelry is likely to become snagged on clothing, therefore irritating
the wound further.

Most piercers use a type of cooling spray or numbing lotion that will
temporarily freeze the area and prevent pain. Ask the piercing parlor
where you intend to have your piercing done to see if this is an option.
Also, many piercers use well practiced techniques to lessen the pain as
much as possible.

If you are concerned about the pain, bring a friend or companion to
accompany you on your piercing adventure. Be sure to avoid taking any
medications or alcohol before you visit a piercer, since piercers will
not allow you into their salon if they believe you to be under the
influence of any potential medications.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Is The World Getting Sicker & More Depraved?

What is it about our society that makes people so interested in seeing
the latest 'beheading video' or the current media darlings 'nipple slip'
photos that 'accidentally' got released to the press. Why do we love to
see people fighting, vomiting, having accidents or some other socially
offensive and sometimes morally reprehensible activity. I believe the
answer is simple. The Media.

If it's true that the Internet reflects our society then one can only
conclude that the World is indeed becoming sicker and more twisted everyday.

Porn on the Internet is nothing new, in fact it's the number one money
earner and has, to a large degree, helped propel it to where it is
today. This fact alone is really no surprise to anyone as the very
nature of the medium allows people anonymity which is perfect for the
'pervert' that lurks within us all. But it's interesting to note a new
'craze' emerging which are sites loaded with weird videos, bizarre
pictures and weird confessions. Some of these sites are so popular that
they are making their creators thousands of dollars a day according to
a recent study.

What is it about our society that makes people so interested in seeing
the latest 'beheading video' or the current media darlings 'nipple slip'
photos that 'accidentally' got released to the press. Why do we love to
see people fighting, vomiting, having accidents or some other socially
offensive and sometimes morally reprehensible activity. I believe the
answer is simple. The Media.

In a bid to get higher and higher ratings TV stations are going further
and further to shock their audiences and compel them to keep watching.
This is then reflected in other media; newspapers, magazines, books,
billboard advertising, popular music etc. It should therefore come as no
shock that this relentless search for the next shocking and disgusting
event has found it's way onto our computers and into our living rooms.
The conservatives and the church have been fighting a losing battle
against this onslaught of 'perversion' for years and show no sign of
abating or getting any closer to a 'victory'. The sad truth is they will
never stop it or even put a tiny dent in it's continued growth. There
will always be way more sick degenerates than these moralizing,
overbearing protectors of society and they will ultimately fail. This
will never prevent them from trying as it is their mantra and the whole
reason for their existence. Without sick, twisted and depraved people
what would these good folk do? They may be forced to actually look at
their own lives for a moment instead of prying into others with their
'good intentions' and their 'we know best' attitudes.

There is more money to be made in a sick, twisted and perverted society
and marketers and the Media are only to aware of this. The fact is our
society IS sick and twisted and whether we like it or not it's getting
worse. I say this not as a judgement but more as a realization of the truth.

Is There Income After Peak Oil And Economic Collapse? There Is If You're Clever.

Many predict that the world will soon experience an economic depression,
brought on by a variety of factors, but most particularly Peak Oil - the
lessening production of petroleum. (For full information on Peak Oil,
see Dry Dipstick -

No matter what happens to the economy, you'll probably still need
income. Work continues even in hard times. Sadly, and ironically, at a
time when so much more needs to be done, it gets harder and harder for
people to act...

Many predict that the world will soon experience an economic depression,
brought on by a variety of factors, but most particularly Peak Oil - the
lessening production of petroleum. (For full information on Peak Oil,
see Dry Dipstick -

No matter what happens to the economy, you'll probably still need
income. Work continues even in hard times. Sadly, and ironically, at a
time when so much more needs to be done, it gets harder and harder for
people to actually find jobs.

We can guess what type of jobs might disappear first as a result of
decreasing oil supplies and economic collapse--such as housing
construction, highway construction, just about any kind of construction
for that matter, credit cards, banking, stocks and bonds, overnight
tourism (daytrip may do okay), airlines (but bus and maybe even
railroads may do well), the automobile industry and all its related
businesses, hotels and motels, drive-through fast-food, car washes,
chain stores dependent on cheap goods from China, and so on--but it's
probably more useful to try and predict what type of jobs and skills
will be most needed.

We assume they will involve basic needs--food, water, health, and the
like. There will probably be much more focus on repairing items than
replacing them, so cottage industries like small appliance repair and
clothing repair could do well. Escapist entertainment and fads were
thriving during the Great Depression of the 1930s and there's no reason
to believe similar, low-cost businesses might not do equally well now.

But you shouldn't count on someone hiring you. Plan now to work for
yourself, providing goods and services to people who need them.

We can't make any guarantees, but the following ideas are good
possibilities. And they should get you thinking in the right direction
about other likely businesses.

Barter Network

When people don't have money, they do barter. They've always got
stuff--and skills--that they can exchange. Set up a barter network, help
others do it, and take a small cut of the action.

Beer and Wine Making

No matter how hard times get, people will still want beer and wine. If
you can turn the stuff out at home, you've got an endless supply of
barter material.

Bicycle Sales / Repairs

The first thing you should do right now is run out and buy as many used
bicycles as you can. Used bike sales and repairs should do very well.
You could even add motorcycles and scooters, because of the good gas
mileage they get.

Car Repair

While this is no time to be in the new car sales business, car repair
should be fine as people try to keep their existing vehicles running as
long as they can--and as long as they can afford the gas. Consider basic
car repair/maintenance where you go to the customer's home to do the
service. You might even have luck with ongoing maintenance contracts.
You could also give car repair classes.

Cheap Luxuries

Even in hard times--actually particularly in hard times--people will
want to spoil themselves now and then. But the luxury has to be cheap.
It might be a special chocolate chip cookie, or delicious homemade
candy. Or maybe it's very special handmade giftwrapping paper. Or
fragrant handmade soap or a hand-carved wooden toy.

Computer Repair

Computer repair and maintenance should do exceptionally well. People
will no longer be running out to buy the latest upgrade (computer,
monitor, printer, etc.) but will be more interested in keeping what they
have working properly.

Delivery Service

It makes much more sense to pay a slight fee to have a store deliver a
purchase to you than to get in your car and make a round trip to do it
yourself. Smart store owners will offer free delivery in order to
attract customers. (On a larger scale, companies like UPS and FedEx
should do well.)


People want to be entertained, particularly when times are tough.
Consider bringing together talented people to offer live entertainment
in neighborhood or community locations. You probably won't get rich but
you'll have a good time, and you and the entertainers will end up with
more money than when you started.

Errand Service

On a more personal level than a delivery service, errand services can
combine your needs with similar needs of others, to provide services
cheaper than you could do them yourself. This might be pickup and
delivery, but could also include banking, taking children to
after-school classes and sports or pets to the veterinarian, and a
variety of other activities.


It would be nice to invent, and get rich off, the next fad. But you can
also stay in touch with the culture, and offer low-cost ways for your
community to enjoy those fads.


You don't have to have a huge farm to have a healthy farming business.
An acre of land and a lot of hard work will produce what you need for a
small-scale business. Consider also specialty items such as mushrooms,
herbs, or sprouts. Because of the many uses of hemp, that will be a
great crop once it's legal--or at least possible without enforcement--to

Herbal Treatments

You can grow, or forage for, herbs and use them to make healing
concoctions, syrups, salves, teas, and a variety of other healthy items.
You could also use flowers for Aromatherapy.

Home Repair

People will have to do what they can to keep everything in their home in
working order. If you have carpentry, plumbing, electrical and a wide
variety of other relevant skills, you can be a big help to those people.
You might even have success at teaching these skills to others.


You name it, someone will be interested in it. Whether it's using tools,
playing music, sewing or storytelling. The lessons likely to do best
will be those focused on basic essentials, saving money and protecting
health, such as gardening, food canning, inexpensive home cooking, yoga
and other health exercises, meditation and relaxation, herb foraging and
use, and pet care.

Instructional Video Library

Considering setting up an instructional video library; videos and DVDs
that teach people various skills, whether they're home or car repair,
sewing, musical, language or any of hundreds of other subjects.

Raising Chickens and Rabbits

Lots of people might start their own gardens, but very few will raise
their own meat. You can take advantage of that by raising chickens and
rabbits-and other critters if you've got room.

Rental Library

Libraries aren't just for videos and books. Consider offering specialty
kitchenware, car and woodworking tools, games, toys, household repair
tools, gardening equipment and literally anything else you can think of.

Seamstress / Tailor / Clothing Alterations

In hard times, people can't afford to simply buy new clothes to replace
slightly worn clothing. Darning socks will be back again. Sewing and
knitting skills are no longer common, nor are sewing machines. Anyone
with these skills will be much in demand.

Small Appliance / Electronics Repair

Till now it's been cheaper to throw away a broken radio, telephone,
blender, microwave, coffee maker and similar appliances than to have it
repaired. That time is over. With the end of cheap imports, and loss of
income, people will no longer be able to afford new items. They will
either have to do without, or find someone with the skills to fix them.

Soap Making

Everybody needs soap. While there might not be a time when you can't
find soap to buy, you'll save money, have some fun, and end up with an
excellent barter item by making your own soap. Here are some more
recipes. While you're at it, here are some skin care recipes.

Toys and Games

There was a time when toys were not mass-produced plastic things. They
were carefully crafted from wood, cloth and other natural materials,
were treasured by the children who received them, and were passed down
from generation to generation. Create some yourself, and you'll have

Is This Funny: Can We Develop Non-Violent Humour?

"In its original historical meaning, a cartoon (from the Italian
cartone, meaning "big paper") is a full-size drawing made on paper as a
study for a further artwork, such as a painting or tapestry. In modern
print media, a cartoon is an illustration, usually humorous in intent."

The current representation of conflict over the freedom to publish
cartoons featuring the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in western
media – as the confli...

"In its original historical meaning, a cartoon (from the Italian
cartone, meaning "big paper") is a full-size drawing made on paper as a
study for a further artwork, such as a painting or tapestry. In modern
print media, a cartoon is an illustration, usually humorous in intent."

The current representation of conflict over the freedom to publish
cartoons featuring the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in western
media – as the conflict between 'freedom of speech and expression' and
Muslim sensitivities - obscures what is really going on at the deepest
level of our collective global psyche.

I strongly believe that the publication of the infamous cartoons in
Danish Jyllands-Posten was very little about the "ongoing debate on
freedom of expression that we cherish so highly", as argued by the
editors. While I think that freedom of expression, speech and press is
one of the greatest human accomplishments, these freedoms should be
protected where and when possible and sensible but not 'at all costs'.

That higher principles take precedence over human life is one of the
central tenants of society build on hierarchical and patriarchal values.
The central tenant of a society build on values of centrality of human
(and human - nature) relatedness is to take seriously concerns and
interests of global human community, as well as the non-human community,
future generations of people and other living beings.

What is considered funny is always premised on the underlying worldview.
For example, for a racist joke to be seen as funny, racism has to be an
underlying worldview, we have to have an 'inner racist' within us. The
joke about the difference between a blonde and a shopping trolley (a
shopping trolley has a mind of its own) is only funny if we still have
some elements of sexism within us (as most of us, raised and living in
patriarchal societies almost inevitably do).

If on the other hand, the underlying worldview is the desire to
negotiate - to work things out - with 'the other' you become sensitive
about what you can say, when and where about such group. You are also
careful about what type of behaviours you choose to engage in,
preferring those that don't reaffirm various forms of direct,
structural, cultural, epistemological and ecological violence.

Non-violent communication and humour

If jokes that deal in 'bigotry, sexism, racism, ageism and all the other
politically incorrect isms' are the quintessential expression of
bigoted, sexist, racist, orientalist, ageist and politically
incorrect/hierarchically structured and (using Riane Eisler's term)
'dominator' society, what type of jokes would a fundamentally different
society with a fundamentally different underlying worldview produce? For
example, what would humour be like in a society in which cultures of
peace, compassion and non-violent communication are firmly embedded?


1. People own up of their own 'stuff'. There is an awareness of one's
own agenda, underlying worldview, assumptions, perceptions, fears,
beliefs about self and others is present. There is also an awareness and
understanding about what kind of actions may have certain (violence
promoting) consequences.

2. There is an overall understanding that your speech can be part of the
problem or part of the solution. That is, that your speech can be
expression of verbal aggression or an expression of desire to negotiate
and 'work things out'.

3. Humour becomes a means of reducing inflated individual and collective
Ego, thus you engage in laughing at self and your own group more often
then in laughing at her/him/them. You also do the later, if you must, in
a safe space – verbally, with 'your own', removed from the eyes and ears
of her/him/them.

4. Reducing your own Ego also means that you don't identify so much with
certain dogmatic principles and rules that help define your own
individual and collective identity. That is, you take offence against
yourself and your own group as lightly as possible. And, most
importantly of all, you don't respond to one type of (ie.
epistemological, cultural) violence with even more intense one (ie.
physical, direct violence).

5. Humour becomes a means of destabilising centres of oppressive
political, cultural, epistemological, economic and military power – and
hopefully a means that can help create a world without institutionalised
violence and social injustice. Apparently, the Muslim world is full of
Mullah jokes, and as far as I know, portraying Mullahs is not seen as
out of bounds by the majority of Muslims. Such a simple editorial
intervention could have spared many grievances and intense escalation of
violence and still enable expression of the 'freedom to speak', to
express true feelings.

6. There is a consultation with local groups, and various minorities
(ethnic, religious, gender) in terms of the boundaries of free speech.

7. You manage to differentiate between different humour styles, e.g.
between a 'Joy Master', 'Joke Maker', 'Fun Meister' and 'Life Mocker'
(Loomans and Kolberg, 1993. p. 15). While the Joy Master has mostly
positive qualities, is inspiring, inclusive, warm hearted, innocent,
humanising and healing (ibid.) Life Mocker has mostly negative
qualities, and is cynical, sarcastic, exclusive, cold hearted, worldly
and dehumanising (ibid.). The positive sides of a Joke Maker (e.g.
wordplay, teaching stories, parody, instructive, insightful) and Fun
Meister (slapstick, clowning, naive, imitative, entertaining) are to be
balanced with their negative qualities (JM: insulting, biting, satiric,
stereotyping, destructive; FM: ridiculing, dark humour, tragedy and
suffering, hurtful, degrading) (ibid.).

Whatever the societal principles, the main issue is what is the spirit
behind humour? Is it to put down others and get back at them, in one way
or another, or to create new depths of mutual understanding and compassion?

Creatively, compassionately and honestly dealing with the current
conflict over values, freedoms and humour at the global level has become
the necessity of our times. It is only by these means that we could
possibly hope to avoid a further escalation of violence and also to
protect all our freedoms

It Takes A City: Strengthening Families

Increasingly, local government leaders recognize that building stronger
families and improving outcomes for their children and young people are
the keys to long-term social and economic sucess.

Increasingly, local government leaders recognize that building stronger
families and improving outcomes for their children and young people are
the keys to long-term social and economic success.

"A community's quality of life can be measured by the opportunities
available to help children and families succeed," says Ron Gonzales,
mayor of San Jose, Calif., the past chair of National League of Cities'
(NLC) Council on Youth, Education, and Families. "Without this
investment, communities face higher costs for public safety and human
services, tighter municipal budgets, reduced potential of the local
workforce and weakened growth of the local economy."

In order to support these efforts, NLC has developed a new initiative to
help young people succeed. The two-part "City Platform for Strengthening
Families and Improving Outcomes for Children and Youth" urges officials
to take specific actions that have proven to strengthen families and
promote sustained progress over time, including recommendations to:

• Bring together leaders from the public, private and nonprofit
sectors as well as parents and other community residents through a
mayor's task force or commission to identify their communities' needs,
opportunities and priorities.

• Promote effective city-school collaboration through regular
meetings between the mayor and city council, school board and school
superintendent that focus on shared priorities and the development of
joint plans of action.

• Directly involve young people by sponsoring a mayor's youth
council, appointing youth to municipal boards and committees, and
holding communitywide youth summits.

• Measure progress over time through a community "scorecard" that
tracks key outcomes and places them within the context of a broader
report on the status of children, youth and families.

The second part of the platform recommends a set of concrete action
steps for communities to undertake in key areas, including early
childhood development; youth development; education and afterschool
programs; health and safety; youth in transition and at risk; family
economic success; and neighborhoods and community.

"This platform provides a blueprint all city leaders can follow,"
Gonzales said.

John Reese's Top Traffic Secrets

John Reese has proven himself as one of the top internet marketers. Here
are some of his best traffic secrets.

Track all sources of traffic generation.

John Reese stresses the need to track where all traffic comes from and
at what cost. It is crucial to know exactly how many sales, newsletter
sign-ups, or other leads your particular marketing campaigns generating.
This enables you to work smarter and not harder. By tracking all traffic
to your site you can make twice as much while working fifty percent less.

Content is King

On the internet, people are searching for one thing....... Content!
Load your website with as much content as possible. Then, continuously
add content. Search engines love information and they will love your
site if you've got lots of it. There's plenty of free content for the
taking on the internet. You can load up your site with articles from
article directories like Or, you could be like John
and use content from the public domain. Or, you can use content that is
in the creative commons. This type is now easier than ever to find now
that Yahoo and others have come out with a search engine designed
specifically for content that is in the creative commons.

An affiliate program is critical to maximum traffic and sales. Lots of
internet marketers don't take advantage of this powerful
traffic-generating technique. An affiliate program allows you to have
your own personal salesman spread all over the web. The best part about
it is that there is absolutely no risk involved but tons of traffic and
sales to gain. Your website simply cannot grow to its full potential
without an effective affiliate program.

Banner Ads

John Reese advocates the use of banner ads during a time when they are
largely an untapped marketing source. Banner ads are one of the most
overlooked sources of targeted traffic online.

Also, banner ads are now one of the cheapest sources of targeted
traffic. In the late 1990's during the dot-com boom, people were selling
banner ads for $40 and $50 CPM. Then the dot-com bubble hit and these
rates hit the floor. You can now buy banner ads dirt cheap, at $1 to
$1.50 CPM. This is $1 for 1,000 banner impressions. The key here is to
find the perfect place to advertise that will send targeted, willing to
buy customers to your site.

Create viral reports that can quickly spread around the internet. This
method works best when you have an affiliate program. Allow others to
brand your report in order to encourage its distribution.
A quality free report can be a powerful promoter when passed around the
internet. This same phenomenon can occur when you submit your articles
to article directories and popular newsletters.

Take advantage of your virtual real estate.

Take advantage of the different parts of your website. Don't let any of
your web pages go to waste. You can do this by adding a link to another
one of your web sites or pages on your thank-you or sales confirmation
pages. If you have articles on your site, place links to related
articles on the bottom of the page. The longer you keep a visitor at
your web site, the more valuable they become.

It is very important to funnel traffic from within the multiple sites
you may have.

Continually seek out other web sites to link to you. Now, we're not just
talking about any kind of link here, but powerful, traffic-generating
links from respected sites. Here are some quick suggestions:

Send a related web site an article that you have written and allow them
to display it on their website with a resource box at the end. Offer to
exchange articles and tell them about the benefits of doing so.

Allow multiple, related web sites to distribute your free e-book or
report. All web masters are looking to add value to their web site, why
not make it easy for them.

There are unlimited possibilities, be creative!

Online group participation can produce a no-cost stream of traffic and

Get involved in email discussion lists, online groups and forums that
are related to your target market. Becoming involved in discussions
makes you very credible. Traffic from forums can produce a much higher
sales conversion rate.

This method can produce quite a bit of sales for you just by helping
others out. Not to mention, you'll learn a lot along the way.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Join The Fight Against Racism And Hatred

In 1992 the YWCA USA initiated the Day of Commitment to Eliminate
Racism. The observance is meant to draw attention to how racism still
harms communities and to move the nation to racial justice.

In 1991, a California motorist named Rodney King was brutally beaten by
four police officers in an incident widely regarded as racially motivated.

The next year, the YWCA USA initiated the Day of Commitment to Eliminate
Racism in response to that incident, the subsequent acquittal of the
police officers charged in the case and the ensuing riots in Los Angeles.

The observance is meant to draw attention to how racism still harms our
communities and to move the nation to racial justice. The YWCA feels
that it's important to fight racism year-round. One of the most
pernicious ways racism is exhibited is in jokes and remarks that all too
often don't even register. By calling people out on even racist remarks
that may be meant jokingly, we can help eliminate the attitudes that
cause discrimination and hatred.

Here are some things you can do to combat bigotry:

• Be inclusive when planning meetings, activities, posters, and
surveys to ensure everyone is represented, while avoiding tokenism. Make
sure your organization has truly embraced diversity.

• Racial jokes aren't funny. Don't laugh. Interrupt and ask the
person to stop telling the joke.

• Do not tolerate prejudiced talk or racist action. Intervene and
tell those involved that their behavior is unacceptable.

• Make a list of injustices and commit to fighting them.

• Start looking at each individual as an equal and as an individual.

• Write letters to newspapers, magazines, and TV sponsors about
public statements and actions that demean people.

• Set an example for your family and friends by showing an
unbiased respect and acceptance of others.

• Be proud of and share your heritage so others can learn about you.

• Find others who are taking active steps to eliminate racism and
join them.

June 25th Is Child Safety Seat Inspection And Installation Fair In Indiana

A child safety seat inspection and installation fair would be held this
coming Sunday, June 25th. This event would all be part of the campaign
towards the reduction of fatalities among children. This kind of event
is indeed very beneficial for the driving public, especially to those
drivers who have children as their passengers.

A child safety seat inspection and installation fair would be held this
coming Sunday, June 25th. This event would all be part of the campaign
towards the reduction of fatalities among children. Three groups have
joined forces so as to make this event a reality. These groups comprise
of the State of Indiana, the 21st Century Insurance, and the Governor's
Council on Impaired and Dangerous Driving. The latter is actually a
division of the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. This big event would
be held at the Wal-Mart located in Fort Wayne and it would start at 11
in the morning and end at one in the afternoon.

If you travel to the state of Indiana, you would know that there is a
strict rule for child safety seats. Under various programs promoting
such, children who are actually eight years old and below should still
be restrained in a child safety seat or booster seat. On the other hand,
if you do have children who are aged 16 and below, they still must be
properly restrained, not in booster seats, but in a child restraint
system or seatbelt. It does not matter where the child is seating. What
is important is that they are properly restrained in their seats.

This kind of event is indeed very beneficial for the driving public,
especially to those drivers who have children as their passengers.
Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show
that vehicular crashes are actually the leading cause of death of
children who are two years old. Vehicular crashes are also the leading
cause of death among people aged four years old to 34 years old.
Moreover, upon investigation, more than 80 percent of the child safety
seats in such accidents have been found out to be improperly installed.

During the child safety seat inspection and installation fair this
Sunday, safety technicians would be part of the event. They would be
inspecting and checking the child safety seats of those who will be
attending. If necessary, they would also replace and put in new ones.
The 21st Century Insurance has donated new child safety seats for the
benefit of the said event.

Katrina: Victims For Life?

Most of Katrina's victims lived their lives without a single tattered
safety net in place, Poor, unskilled, and underemployed, many of these
Gulf Coast residents barely stayed afloat even before the flood waters
raged in. Now what little they had is gone. They cannot bury their dead
and get on with life as the 911 families managed to do - because there
is no life left.

There can be no debate about the horror of the World Trade Center
attack. No conceivable rational excuse for the criminal destruction of
spectacular buildings and thousands of innocent lives can be advanced.
It was monstrous; it was deadly; it was immoral.

Four years later, the survivors still mourn their loved ones and the
world looks to ground zero as the crucial moment when American innocence
died. Somehow, the families of those who perished moved on. Several
thousand Federal dollars in compensation did not take away the pain but
did enable dreams of a life still worth living.

Only after the settlements were made were the cries of the families in
Oklahoma heard. Those families, too, suffered a terrible loss but
received only speeches and sympathy.

And now there are the victims of Katrina. Not only were hundreds of
family members lost but, in addition, entire businesses, lifestyles,
community bonds, and the independence conferred by gainful employment
were entirely obliterated. We must ask ourselves: do we deal with
victims in an evenhanded manner?

The financial safety nets of insurance, high pre-trauma earnings, and
safety member retirement systems, were already in place in New York. The
financial largesse of the government provided an even larger buffer
against the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune.

Most of Katrina's victims lived their lives without a single tattered
safety net in place. Poor, unskilled, and underemployed, many of these
Gulf Coast residents barely stayed afloat even before the flood waters
raged in. Now what little they had is gone. They cannot bury their dead
and get on with life as the 911 families managed to do - because there
is no life left.

The political think tanks that worry if a nominee is conservative
enough, the lobbyists busily grabbing the largest slice of pork for
their clients, and the Haliburtons, the Fluors, and the oil magnates
have no emotional conception of the reality of poverty. While difficulty
in paying the bills is common at all economic levels, contrast that with
someone who has no bills because they have nothing: no debts, no
creditors - but also no money, no food, no home, no resources.

For those still living in shelters or staying at a hotel until the
vouchers run out this month - where are the federal dollars to help them
move on? The government can't even figure out how to get generators to
hospitals nor trailer homes to available land.

After the photo-ops, the dramatic flyovers, and the congressional
appropriation bills, our leaders will go home to their comfortable beds
with easy consciences, confident that they have done what was needed.
Years from now, the victims will still be suffering as are those who
were displaced long ago by Hurricane Andrew.

Unless they are lucky enough to become the swing vote in a tight
election, they will recede from the front pages and slowly submerge
beneath the slime of poverty, a more permanent threat than any temporary

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kazakhstan and its beautiful women

It's a common knowledge, that every nation has its peculiarities.
However some world's regions differ much from each other by the
appearance of people, uniqueness of the culture, philosophy, religion.
In this article I want to tell you about the women of Kazakhstan, which
have united Asian and European culture in their nature.

It's a common knowledge, that every nation has its peculiarities.
However some world's regions differ much from each other by the
appearance of people, uniqueness of the culture, philosophy, religion.
In this article I want to tell you about the Russian brides of Kazakhstan, which
have united Asian and European culture in their nature.

First of all, I will tell you about the wonderful country of
Kazakhstan – this will explain those unique traits of Kazakhstanian
women. So, here it goes.... The country of Kazakhstan is situated in
Central Asian region and borders on Russia and China. It's a
multi-cultural and multi-national state. One of the main and biggest
cities in the country is Almaty, that has also been a capital of
Kazakhstan some time ago. People who have ever come to this amazing city
are usually amazed by its main heritage and possession – beautiful women
of different ethnic backgrounds that honour and preserve their culture
and traditions.

During some centuries Kazakhstan has been influenced by the two
biggest confessions - Muslim and Orthodox. These confessions, actually,
caused this diversity of Eastern and Western lifestyles in Kazakhstan.
The state language is Kazakh, though Russian is widely spoken and used
by the population.

As for population of the country - Kazakhstanian and Russian ethnic
groups are definitely the majority. All other national minorities also
have their firm positions in the state. According to the "Wall Street
Journal" this country is an example of ethnic and religious tolerance
throughout the whole Asian region.

Russian and Asian cultures have created a unique synthesis in
Kazakhstan. The ladies, greatly influenced by diverse of ethnic colours,
are extremely attractive, unusual, smart and proactive. There is a
common understanding of women in this area like European and Eastern
types. Orient-looking girls are well known for their mysterious look and
men honouring; the ladies with European background - for their
brightness and good treating of their husbands. All the girls here were
brought up in the best family traditions. So when Kazakhstanian ladies
grow up, they are very well-mannered, charming and elegant. The most
important is that they all are family focused from their childhood.
That's why all Russian brides make their best efforts and investments
for the family creation.

Western gentlemen, coming to Kazakhstan and meeting the Russian women
for the first time, are very impressed by how sincere, kind,
understanding and caring they are. They prefer raising their kids and
taking care for their husbands. When talking about love, any of these
sweet girls can tell you how much they are inspired to meet a man of
their dream and fall in a greatest ever love with him!

<p>Some real stories happened to the guys kept them endlessly happy
about meeting their online brides here, in girls' home-town. The men had
a chance to witness their ladies' being in so usual and natural for them

Every man, after several months of correspondence with the one he
finally found for love and family creation wants to see his future wife
in everyday life. At the same time, he accounts to get some
understanding of fiancee's national roots, lifestyle of the country she
grew up in. Such an approach to serious relationships is important -
it's a best way of acquaintance for a mixed couple, coming from
different cultures and mentalities. The gentlemen who visit their brides
before the marriage, after attending her home know what difficulties
their brides can face in his homeland. Of course, their relationships
can benefit a lot from such an experience.

First of all it makes the couple closer spiritually, and secondly, it
prevents men from any sort of misunderstanding and mistreating of their
spouses. For this reason "Oksanalove" often hosts grooms in the agency's
Almaty branch. During such tours guys don't stop getting excited and
after, they just forget they had some doubts about the rightness of
their choice.

The most memorable examples of fiance hosting is still something
amazing to talk about in the "Oksanalove" agency. It's the stories about
how guys were impressed by the hospitality of their future wives and how
their brides even exceeded all of their expectations. They were
completely puzzled by the fact that their fiancees can be so gorgeously
beautiful and at the same time be just good housewives who cook, do the
laundry, clean and take care of their men – simultaneously doing all
these things.

All of the Almaty girls who grew up under hot Almaty sun in a
friendly and specific multi-cultural environment are warm, passionate
and unique. They all look for someone to give all their love and care
sharing with their values.

Keeping Holiday Traditions in a Modern World

Halloween has long been a favorite holiday. For decades, little ones
have dressed up in their costumes on Halloween night to go door to door
throughout the neighborhood begging candy from their neighbors.

Halloween has long been a favorite holiday. For decades, little ones
have dressed up in their costumes on Halloween night to go door to door
throughout the neighborhood begging candy from their neighbors.

Unfortunately, Halloween is not as safe as it once was. Running around
after dark leaves children vulnerable to accidents and malice. While mom
and dad might have been able to accept the homemade cookies from the
lady two streets over, now they have to examine their children's treats
for needles and razor blades. And those who have corrupted the fun of
Halloween to a night for malice and mischief have left some parents
hesitant to send their little ones out at all.

However, with a few precautions, you can make sure that the Halloween
spirit lives on for at least one more generation.

Stay close

You might remember going trick or treating with a group of friends while
mom and dad stayed home to pass out treats. However, in today's changing
society, it is simply not a good idea. Stay close to children at all
times, particularly younger ones, and make sure that everyone stays
within view while trick or treating. If taking out a large group, have
children choose a Halloween "buddy" to stay with the entire time.

Set rules

There will be less dissension in the ranks if you set up the rules for
Halloween night ahead of time. Make sure your children know before you
head out what is acceptable and what isn't. This includes curfews, how
far they can go trick or treating, rules about eating treats, etc.

Be visible

While the neighborhoods will be swarming with children out trick or
treating, many drivers may not take the extra precautions while driving
and will continue to cruise through at normal speeds. To make sure your
child is visible to drivers, look for costumes that reflect the light or
have your child carry glowsticks or flashlights when trick or treating.

Check the treats

Sadly, you will want to wait to get home to eat any of the treats
because you will want to inspect them first. Discard any treats that are
unwrapped or whose wrappers have been damaged. Look carefully for
anything out of the ordinary. Avoid any homemade treats unless you
personally know the person that made them – and then be careful if your
child has any allergies.

Be a watchdog

While Halloween is known for costumes and candy, in more recent years it
has also started attracting a crowd with more malicious intents. While
some may limit their mischief to covering trees in toilet paper or
smashing pumpkins, others can do even more vandalism and damage. And
with so many children running around, many being only loosely
supervised, there are plenty of opportunities for child predators to
take advantage of the situation. Keep an eye out on the neighborhood,
and report any suspicious activities to police.

If you plan for Halloween and set up some ground rules, you can help
ensure that everyone has a wonderful holiday. That way, Halloween can
continue to be enjoyed by children everywhere.

Keeping Your Halloween Party Budget Friendly

Halloween parties can be fun for all ages, but they can also become
expensive quickly if you do not have a budget in mind. And while
everyone wants to invite all of their friends, the more people, the more
money the party costs. After all, you have to figure in the decorations,
entertainment, food, and costumes. However, with the right planning you
can create the perfect Halloween party on any budget.

Halloween parties can be fun for all ages, but they can also become
expensive quickly if you do not have a budget in mind. And while
everyone wants to invite all of their friends, the more people, the more
money the party costs. After all, you have to figure in the decorations,
entertainment, food, and costumes. However, with the right planning you
can create the perfect Halloween party on any budget.

Make it a potluck

Potlucks are a great idea for any party. For starters, you do not have
the work and expense of creating multiple dishes yourself. You also get
the advantage of trying new and different recipes. It is often easiest
to make the main dish yourself, and assign dishes to different party
goers (for instance, asking one family to bring a side dish, another
dessert, another salad, etc.). You can also make your Halloween party
snacks or desserts only.

Plan ahead and shop on sale

If you host an annual Halloween party, paper supplies and decorations
can often be bought cheaply in November for the following year. If this
is your first year hosting a Halloween party, start buying as soon as
Halloween merchandise starts hitting the shelves so that you can take
advantage of the lower prices and better selection.

Look for items that can be used more than once

If you can get two uses out of one item, you have saved money right
there. Pumpkins that are painted or left natural (no carving) can be
used to make baked goods after the guests have gone home. Fall
decorations can work just as well in November as in October, provided
that there is nothing specifically Halloween about them. Also look for
Halloween decorations that can be reused from one year to the next. That
way, if you do invest much money this year, you won't have to next year.

Small and intimate beats large and loud

While a large party involving the entire neighborhood may sound like
fun, the amount of money that it will cost, let alone the amount of room
that you will need, can make this a bit prohibitive. Consider making the
party for adults only, or limit to only the families that you are
closest with.

Shop at warehouse stores

Buying in bulk is often less expensive, especially when you need to buy
a large amount of items. Candy, paper goods, and treats for the goodie
bags can often be found for less than you would pay at the department

Chances are, if you spend more money on your Halloween party than you
were intending, it is only going to stress you out. So by shopping smart
and planning ahead, you can have just as much fun without the stress.

Know Your Personality Type

Our world is made of all kinds of persons. Some do things as they have
been done since ages.

Our world is made of all kinds of persons. Some do things as they have
been done since ages. They talk, react, judge and act exactly as they
have seen and taught. These kinds of people hate original and new ideas
calling them dangerous for the world. On the other side of the spectrum
are people who live life dangerously. They want to break every
convention, every rule and live life on their own terms. They decide
what they want to do irrespective of the outcome. The third type is
original and mature.

The conventional types will never question anything. For them life has
very few whys. They accept the way things are done, and meekly follow
the leader. They are proud of their heritage and history, and changing
trends will discomfort them greatly.

The dangerous kind, who believes in no conventions, will do everything
in their own way. Their behavior may cause pain to others and discomfort
to family and friends, but they are not bothered. They consider
themselves as right and others as wrong and sometimes fools. They
dislike, rather hate any preaching or advise and are the rebels of the
society. These people may not always be very brave, but cowards. They
are comfortable doing things in their own way but may be very selfish.

The last type is original and mature. This type is balanced. These
people don't laugh at every convention, nor wish to break all of them.
They maturely try to understand the why and then decide the correct
course of action. For them if the conventional way is found correct,
they will follow that otherwise they will chart their own course. This
personality is inventive and reflective. These people try to develop a
view of how things should be to make a happy world. These people will be
ready to make sacrifices, risk their lives and are ready to fight
conventions and set thoughts if they find them dangerous. Such people
can become great leaders who can lead their group to a better future.
They are original but mature in their thinking. This may sound
contradictory, but original does not imply - to do everything in the new
way. Original here implies thought process that is original. Their
maturity and originality gives them a wide canvas to decide about
ethics, values and the correct way of living. These people enjoy the
world, love the world and wish to contribute something significant to
make a better world.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Laudium and Its Lurid Facts

A vivid description of Laudium, an Indian township in South Africa with
information about where to find all details like schools, restaurants,
businesses etc in Laudium.

Laudium is a residential area in Centurion, South Africa, which was
proclaimed an Indian township in 1961. Most Indians were forced out of
their homes in Pretoria into this new place where some of them built
beautiful new homes. As for its former inhabitants, older photographs
show remains of circular type dwellings of its former inhabitants, to
the west of Laudium. Laudium has 3 extensions which were completed in
1976, 1978 and 1983, respectively. Laudium was initially part of
Pretoria but it was incorporated into Centurion in 2000.

The original name for Laudium was Claudius, named after a Claudius
Marais de Vries who was the mayor of Pretoria at the time. Laudium has
both Hindu and Muslim residents, with a large number of mosques and
temples. There are also many recent South Asian Indian and Pakistanis,
who moved into South Africa.

Although unusual for a township yet, Laudium is a relatively wealthy
area with very large houses and people using luxury cars. It also prides
in having successful businessmen, media leaders etc. Laudium is prone to
sinkholes that sometimes cause property damage owing to dolomite in the area

There are a variety of restaurants, including Mohideen's, Muchachos,
Debonairs, Nandos and Wimpy, as well as some very good shopping centres
available here. One hotel is situated across the road from one of the
shopping centres.

Due to the fact that the majority of the residents of Laudium are
Muslims, all food stores sell halal food, prepared according to Islamic
Law. Muslims, Hindus and Christians live in Laudium.

Laudium has a quite a number of government schools. These government
schools mostly consist of Indian teachers, most of the pupils in these
schools are black and travel daily from black townships. The black
township lies directly north of Laudium, and the two areas are separated
by a large hill called Kwaggakop.

Laudium Sun newspaper is a free, bi-monthly that serves Laudium. It also
has a Muslim-oriented community radio station.

Laudiuminfo gives you a deeper insight into all these facts, history and
development of Laudium etc. The website provides extensive information
on various aspects about Laudium, which includes News and Events,
Religion and Culture, Education and Employment etc. You can learn about
the History, Development and Facts about Laudium here.

Apart from this you can also participate in Discussion Boards and Forums
with free registration that allows you to discuss on various topics like
religion, culture, associations, communities, welfares, groups etc.
related to Laudium. At the same time you can also be a part of the
Laudium community.

The website contains a Business Directory wherein you can find all
information related to the various categories as well as you can list
your business for free or advertise your specials with nominal price for
a large number of viewer access.

Although community isolation and crime are a major hindrance in the
prospect of Laudium's progress, yet the community is making every effort
and working towards the development of the township. Active
participation and working together would certainly help Laudium improve
and make it a better place to live in.

Laughing at the Indian Cricket Team

Even with top class players, the Indian team loses and loses so here are
some jokes directed at them.

Indian cricket is headed for a disastrous World Cup and only those who
wish to bury their head in the sand can think that they will do well
there. The pitches in West Indies are fast and the players (who anyway
have a tough time on such pitches) will succumb easily. They will
advance (I truly hope so) to the next round by beating the weak teams
but they will lose once again to the strong ones and they will find
ourselves out and forgotten very soon. So instead of feeling sad, the
only thing left for the fans to do is to joke about them. So here goes!

The story goes that there was a couple married for quite some time and
they had a boy of 5-6 years old. Their relationship was turning sour.
So finally it reached such a stage that they thought it was better for
them to be divorced than to carry on such a relationship.

So they consulted a lawyer. But the big question was who would have the
kid. In the hearing in the court it was decided that this choice should
be left to their son. So the judge asked "Son, would you like to stay
with your mummy?"

The kid replied," No, mummy beats me."
So the judge asked "Then, would you like to stay with your papa?"
The kid replied, "No, papa beats me too."

Now the judge was in a dilemma and was not able to decide what to do.
After pondering for some time he smiled with the ideas he had in his
mind about the child.

And he gave the judgment that the kid would stay with

Any guesses?

Come on I know you can guess this.

Ok here is the decision: The judge decided that the kid would stay with
the Indian Cricket Team because they never beat anybody.

And here are some one liners to pipe up your day:
Why do Indian babies cry and complain all the time?
They are practicing how to become Indian cricketers when they grow up.

What is an handcuffed Indian Cricketer called?
A cricketer you can trust.

What are the four words that will destroy any Indian batsman?
Did you bat today?

Why doesnt the crowd blink when Tendulkar goes out to bat?
There just is no time until he gets out again.

What is the difference between an Indian batsman and an Australian one?
100 runs.

What is the difference between batteries and Indian cricketers?
Batteries have a positive side.

How do you force Indian cricketers to run between wickets?
You place food on either end.

Yes, I know that some of these jokes are really putting the Indian team
down but considering their recent form (excluding the recent two
victories against West Indies which I think is more of a fluke than
anything else), I felt that I could say such things.

I cannot understand how such players such as Ganguly, Tendulkar, Dravid
and the rest can let the fans down time and again. Sometimes it seems
that they are not really interested in playing and that they <a
href="">gamble</a> away their wicket
easily. If that is the case then they should leave and let other more
able and willing youngsters take a shot. They will not fare much worse
in any case. What will they do? Lose. They lose anyway and to any
cricket playing nation in the world!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Laughter: Use It to Pick Up Women

One of the best ways of picking up women is by making them laugh. Here,
I supply some such funny stories to start up a conversation.

Humour, some say, is the fruit of life, and this is especially true when
it comes to picking up on a girl no matter where the location. Make them
laugh, and I guarantee, that you are very close to getting their phone
number and even to getting them to go out with you.

But, as we all know, making them laugh, is easier said than done.
Precisely for those who find it difficult to come up with something
funny to say, I am adding some funny anecdotes and wise cracks that you
can memorize and then use in those situations where you need to get the
girl in front of you to laugh.

1) The Prescription:
Did you hear of the lady, who walked into the pharmacist and asked for
The man behind the counter asked in wonder, "What do you need that for?
The lady calmly replied," to kill my husband."
The pharmacist was taken aback," Are you crazy? Do you want to get us
both into jail? And, anyway, why do you want to kill him? Go to a
counselor. Get help for your marriage."
The lady paused and from her purse she removed a set of pictures of her
husband and the wife of the pharmacist in some very creative postures.
The pharmacist looked at the snaps, put them down and smiled," lady, why
did you not tell me that you have a prescription?"

2) The Tip Book
A wife calls out to her husband, "Have you seen the book, 101 Tips to
Live for More Than a Hundred Years?
The husband sheepishly replies, "I burnt it."
"What?" the wife shouted out," why?"
The husband whispered back," Because your mother wanted to read it."

3) Range of Food
Looking at his wife fry meat balls in all kinds of shapes and sizes, Tom
tapped her on the shoulder, "Why?"
His wife turned," Because you asked for a variety of food."

4) Mushrooms
Tom was picking mushrooms from the forest floor with his wife, when she
picked up one and showed it to Tom," Is this for eating?"
Tom smiled," Yes. As long as you do not cook it."

5) Driving Around
Tom greeted his wife when she returned home," So, my dear, how was your
first time driving all alone?"
His wife smiled coyly, "Do you want to hear it from me or read about it
in the papers?

6) Drama
A couple are watching a film in their local theater when the wife
snuggles close to her husband and points to the screen," Do you think
that they will get married in the end?"
The husband sighs," Yes. These movies always have bad endings."

7) The Library
Tom visited the local library, walks up to the librarian and asks, "Do
you know where I can find the book, the Supremacy of Men over Women?"
The librarian conducts a short search on the computer and looks up," you
will be able to find it in the science fiction."

While some of these might sound offensive, if you use them well you will
be able to display not just a sense of humour, but also that you are
exactly the opposite of the stereotype. How? Immediately, after you
done, lean over and whisper, But I am not like that, and if you allow me
to take you out, you will see that for yourself.