Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tiny Green Bubble ? 3 Tips on Greening Your Bedroom

Let me tell you, bamboo sheets are pretty nice. There are lots of organic and sustainable options out there for sheets, pillows and mattresses. Avoid the no wrinkle sheets, too -- they're often wrinkle free due to chemical treatments. And use your blankets in the winter to use less heat!.....

From: http://tinygreenbubble.com/livegreen/item/549-3-tips-on-greening-your-bedroom

Off Topic Bamboo Knives: Crazy, Genius, or in between?

It's also been magical in anti-bacterial application- Bamboo socks proven to reduce infection in athlete's foot....

From: http://bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/855666-Bamboo-Knives-Crazy-Genius-or-in-between