Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thrifty Tips For Buying Christmas Gifts

Being thrifty doesn't mean becoming cheap. It's simply a way to express
your thoughtfulness and care to your loved ones this Christmas season
without having to spend all of your savings.

Being thrifty doesn't mean becoming cheap. It's simply a way to express
your thoughtfulness and care to your loved ones this Christmas season
without having to spend all of your savings. As the saying goes, "It's
the thought that counts." Of course giving away something as tacky as a
piece of candy is not being thrifty, it's just plain cheap. To avoid
being tagged as "Mr. or Ms. Scrooge without taste" this season, here are
a few tips on how to give the perfect Christmas gift without breaking
your piggy bank.

First, make a Christmas list. Write down the names of those who you want
to give presents to and how much you'll be willing to spend for a
particular person. It would also help to write down some ideas so you'd
have an easier time once you're shopping. Bear in mind that you don't
have to give all of your acquaintances presents. Neighbors and
officemates that you are not close with don't necessarily have to be
given gifts unless you have the extra budget to give them simple tokens.
Make sure you remember to write down all the important people in your list.

Second, make homemade gifts. Most people love receiving homemade gifts,
especially those that they can really use. Try to find out what they
like so you can give them something they would like. For example, if
your mom loves to cook, you can give her a self-compiled cookbook with
all her favorite recipes and you can even include yours too. Their likes
may vary so be aware of what you'll be making for them.
Third, use your talents. If you're good at something use it to your
advantage to give something very special this Christmas. If you're a
photographer, take one-of-a-kind pictures of your family and have it
framed. If you love to write, you can write poems or short stories. If
you're into music, you can compose a special song just for them. If
you're good at crafts, make jewelry or pretty boxes.

Fourth, equality. One similar gift to each person can also be a thrifty
way to give Christmas gifts. Cookies or cakes are good choices as
everyone can appreciate this and gain (a few calories) from it too.

Fifth, recycle. When wrapping up your Christmas presents you can use old
newspapers. If you're using newspapers, make sure that it doesn't have
any stains and that it hasn't turned into a disgusting shade of yellow.
You must also make sure that the content written on the newspaper is
suitable for giving; you wouldn't want any bad comments regarding your

Sixth, buy presents before the Christmas season. You can save up if you
buy presents during sale season. It will save you from the hassle of
standing for hours at a long line, arguing with someone over the last
piece of an item that you both want and you won't have to squeeze your
way through hoards of people rushing to buy late Christmas gifts.

There are a lot of ways to be thrifty this Christmas season; you just
have to be creative and patient. And don't stress yourself too much
about the presents; after all it's Christmas.

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