Friday, November 27, 2009

Trouble finding that last minute gift? Here are some tips!

It's down to the last minute, crunch time. You procrastinated all, all MONTH long and you still don't have anything for mother's
day, father's day or your Aunt's birthday. What about the office party
next week? Or what about your girlfriend??? Here are some tips to
analyze your situation and to make the most out of a last minute gift

It's down to the last minute, crunch time. You procrastinated all, all MONTH long and you still don't have anything for mother's
day, father's day or your Aunt's birthday. What about the office party
next week? Or what about your girlfriend??? Here are some tips to
analyze your situation and to make the most out of a last minute gift

What does the person like?
Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Don't think in terms of gifts, though.
Think in terms of what you know this person likes to use, do, read or
cook with. Do they have a hobby? Do they enjoy doing something outside?
Focus on what they like to do, then think of a gift that will match that
description. It normally doesn't have to be a big gift either, something
small to accommodate their hobby or likes will be generously received as
it was given.

Should it be a big present or small present?
I'm not talking size here either, folks. Money. Do you spend a lot or a
little. If the last minute gift is for your grandparents, then you don't
have to spend a lot. Consider something of a keepsake value that your
grandparents would like to have. They can NEVER have to many picture
frames with you and your family in it. Trust me.
However, if the person you are buying the subject matter for is your
girlfriend or wife, boyfriend or husband, think again. If you have a
remarkably down to earth mate, who doesn't believe in materialistic
goods, then you are one lucky person. Focus on a keepsake gift as well.
What do they like? Do they read ? Have they been talking about a
particular book for the longest time that they haven't had a chance to
read yet? What about sports? The cost of a minor league ticket to a ball
game is fairly inexpensive these days. Your boyfriend or husband may
appreciate that.

If they are of the materialistic type, good luck. Do NOT spend a ton of
money on something until you think it through. Body skincare products,
tennis bracelets, and necklaces go a long way to show that you put some
thought into a gift.

Or try getting away for a weekend. The cost of a nice hotel room will
seem like the perfect get a way gift that didn't take to much effort to
do- lift the call and make the last minute reservations now!

Either way, a last minute gift is not something hard to find. Don't get
overwhelmed by what you have to do, instead, take a deep breath- get a
card for them, something they like and something that shows that you put
some thought into it. That's really what the gift should symbolize.

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