Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Service Organization Provides Eye Banks in 13 Countries

On Dec. 7, 1905, Dr. Eduard Zirm performed the world's first corneal
transplant in the what is now the Czech Republic. On the 100th
anniversary of that historic procedure, the World Health Organization
estimates that corneal transplants could restore the vision of 11
million people worldwide.

On Dec. 7, 1905, Dr. Eduard Zirm performed the world's first corneal
transplant in the what is now the Czech Republic. On the 100th
anniversary of that historic procedure, the World Health Organization
estimates that corneal transplants could restore the vision of 11
million people worldwide.

Since Helen Keller's call for Lions clubs members to become "Knights of
the Blind" in 1925, Lions have dedicated themselves to aiding the blind
and visually impaired. The service organization's support of eye bank
services is one way it is answering this call.

The first Lions eye bank was established in 1944 in New York City, and
today there are approximately 60 Lions eye banks in 13 countries. The
Lions eye banks are not-for-profit organizations that must be sponsored
by a Lions club or district and establish a working relationship with a
medical facility.

Lions eye banks often provide healthy corneas to countries in Central
and South America, Africa and Asia that do not have eye banks.

There are no professional fees or processing costs to the donor or the
donor's family. Instead, the eye bank assumes all costs involved in
procuring corneas.

Lions assist local eye banks as corneal tissue transporters and eye bank
volunteers. Lions also encourage the public to become corneal tissue
donors. Club members help to financially support the eye banks, holding
fundraisers and purchasing necessary medical equipment.

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